If you read My weight loss journey part I and part II you know the history and how I got to where I am now …
Training W52 – Activity full week with a painful end
Last week was full of training with whopping 9 activities and 7 hours of training in total. No wonder my arm disagreed and I ended …
Training W51 – Year ending and Kili preparations
End of the year is approaching fast and I’ve been able to train fairly well lately. I am trying to go to the gym twice …
Training W50 – More Christmas hassle but tying to keep training on
It’s been a while since my last post about something else than weekly training. Moving house caused a total chaos for our household that has …
Training W48 – New activities, winter is here
Finally temperature dropped below zero and we got a bit of frost and snow. You might think we are crazy being happy about snow and …
Training W45 – Juggling it all while moving house
As I predicted it is not going to get any easier until all stuff is moved and the old house given to new owners. Hassle …
Training W41 – Flu continues, training at stand still
There is really not much to tell about training last week. I did go to the Gym and a short walk after the Lake District …
Training W38 – Injuries again and rest days
You know how it goes… what goes up must come down. Well W37 was the highlight and made my day for months to come so …
Training W36 – Overseas ventures
I was trying to get back on track with training this week, but time simply has not been on my side lately. I have been …
Training W35 – It certainly was more good news
After my “injury” on Saturday I had to take it easier for a few days. Sunday I felt a bit like being hit with something …