Third day our walk started from the jetty at Hawse End where you can get to by boat from the town. The boat runs regularly …
Finding high places – Lake district challenge, Skiddaw, England day 2
After day 1 I was pretty knackered to start with, but a good night sleep helped a lot. Still the morning started a bit disoriented …
Finding high places – Veggen, Haukland beach, Norway
Queen’s route the day before was the most strenous of all our hikes both physically and mentally so far, so the next day was going …
Finding high places, Queen’s route, Sto, Norway
On the 21nd of July we finally got closer to Lofoten. The network connections are not that good here between the high hills and when …
Finding high places – Bromorstinden, Tromso, Norway
We were going to have a “rest day” after the 22 kilometers hike the day before but after breakfast we started already looking for “easy” …
Finding high places – Saana, Finland
Wow, this was much tougher than I originally thought… It looks pretty from a distance, but it’s hard to imagine the incline until you actually …
Finding high places – Taivaskero, Fell Pallas, Lapland, Finland
Finally on holiday and in Northern Finland! It was a few days drive 1200 kilometers pit stop at along the way for the night and …

Training -Midsummer in Finland – time to launch the site!
Here I am at my parents house in Finland waiting for my eldest son to arrive with train that was VERY late. Tomorrow we will …